Friday, December 01, 2006

EFPD Backdraft Rodeo

Sherri, Steve, Jordan & Emily invited us to a local Rodeo at Lions Park in Eureka, which is about 10 miles east along I44 from where we live.

The Rodeo is organized by the Eureka Fire Protection District (EFPD) Firefighter's Association, & this year was the 14th Annual Backdraft Rodeo. Each show lasted about 3 hours & all competitors were actual cowboys & cowgirls making the rodeo circuit & competing for cash prizes and recognition. The Backdraft Rodeo is a Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association (MRCA) and American Rodeo Cowboy Association (ARCA) sanctioned rodeo.
The rodeo included a variety of events, some of which were individual competitions whilst others involved teamwork between the cowboys & cowgirls. Entertainment during the interval included a stunt show where a cowboy was whipping items out from his assistant's hands with his whip, & showing his horse control skills by jumping his horse into the back of a pickup truck.

Before the rodeo started again, a local ford dealership drove a pickup truck around the arena. Cheryl thought it looked really cool & was surprised at how cheap it was. One of the cowboys then followed after the vehicle throwing t-shirts into the crowd. Cheryl caught his eye & he threw her a t-shirt (which I think made her night!).

Another popular event was the calf chase. All the children at the rodeo lined up at one end of the arena & a number of calves were released in there with them. Envelopes were attached to the calves & if you managed to get an envelope, you won a cash prize.

There were a number of trade & food stalls at the event, selling cowboy attire & I guess what is 'traditional' rodeo food, including barbequed meat, beans, & chilli. We also had our first taste of Funnel Cake, which is made by pouring batter through a funnel into hot oil in a circular pattern & deep frying it until golden-brown. It is then covered with powdered sugar (& tastes real good).