Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout cookies are an long-time American tradition. Originally, there was just one variety but there are now about 10 or so. Our favourites are Mint Thins (which are thin mint flavoured cookies covered in chocolate) & Samoas (which are moist coconut cookies that are drizzeld with chocolate & also have a chocolate base).

Every girl in Beth's scout troop was set a target number of boxes to sell. Thanks to our friends & my co-workers, Beth was able to achieve her goal. She also helped at a couple of 'cookie booths' at local supermarkets, & it was only when we collected the cookies that we realised just how many boxes Beth had sold.

The money that the troops earn from selling cookies helps them to achieve the goals that they set for the year (e.g. field trips, etc), & also provides the girls with the opportunity to practice useful life skills like planning, decision-making, & customer service. This was especially noticeable at the cookie booths as the girls had to try & sell the cookies to passers-by, calculate how much each person had to pay & the change that they needed.