Saturday, July 12, 2008

BB 2008

We all went along to the annual 'summer fair' at Beth's school. As with previous years, there were displays by the local police, ambulance, & fire departments, raffles, games, snacks, & competitions. The weather had been pretty bad during the previous week, with almost continuous rain & low temepratures, & it didn't look like it was going to stop on the day of the fair. Luckily, it started to dry out in the afternoon, so the event went ahead as planned, although quite a few people were wearing jumpers &/or coats which was quite odd for the end of May!

This year, the PTO organised a swing-seat roundabout for the fair, which although cost more tickets per ride than any of the other acitivities it was undoubtibaly the most popular thing at the fair. There was always a good sized line throughout the night & Beth spent practically all her tickets riding with her friend. The same (very good & very funny) balloon modeller from previous years was there again (Beth got him to make her a Ladybug baloon bracelet this year). Beth also took part in the pie eating contest &, in almost a repeat of last year, finished first but was beaten by her friend next to her who shouted louder to the judges when she finished. Beth still got a small prize, along with all the other participants, & we got some great pictures of her covered in chocolate pudding!