Monday, February 16, 2009

JAG Summer Picnic 2008

The summer picnic clashed with the Founder's Day Parade this year, but we chose to attend the picnic since we always have a great time! We definitely made the right choice as the weather was great, there was good food, plenty of drinks, fun party games, & the opportunity to socialize with friends & meet co-workers that you work down the 'hallway' from but have never met! As with past years, the picnic was held in Tower Grove Park at the Carriage Pavilion. The park (which is the second largest in St Louis) was first authorized by a state law passed on March 9, 1867, & came into existence on October 20, 1868, when Henry Shaw conveyed his lands to the City of St. Louis, by deed of gift. The pavilion is close to Main Drive & was designed in 1873 by Henry Thiele. Originally, the 'Carriage Stand' included hitching posts so that park visitors had somewhere safe to leave their horses &/or carriages.

The JAG event was, as usual, really good. The theme for the picnic was the 'Jag Olympics' which meant that there were plenty of party games for both the children & adults. Beth took part in all of the events, some of which included washers, bean-bag toss, sack racing, three-legged race, water-balloon throwing, balloon shaving, & pie eating. Although Beth only won one event, consistently placed high in all of the others & ended up wining the gold medal for the children's events - well done Beth!