Sunday, March 19, 2006

Go Blues!

I went to a St Louis Blues game on Monday night with some of the guys from work. This was in the company box &, as clients were present, it meant there was food as well (chilli & hotdogs - v.good).

The game was quite exciting with the view from the box being really good. The last time I went to a Blues game it was quite difficult to see what was going on even though we were sat in a really good position. I thought that the view wouldn't be as good as the box is at the end of the 'pitch' but it was actually better & so made it easier to follow the game.

The game went into overtime with the Blues eventually winning, but not until it took the referees about 5 minutes to decide whether their goal should be allowed.

During the break there was the usual entertainment, which this time consisted of people in 'Zorb' type balls racing on the ice to win a prize. Most of the time they stayed on their feet, but as soon as they tried to change direction they ended up on their bums - hillarious!