Monday, May 29, 2006

Having a blast

Beth's school had the equivalent of a Summer fete at the end of term. This ran from 5:30pm to 8:30pm on a Friday night & was really good. I don't know about Beth & Cheryl, but the highlights for me were the pie eating contest & the balloon modelling. For the pie eating, all the children were given plastic sacks to wear that only had head-holes in them. They then had to eat chocolate custard that was in tin foil dishes as quickly as possible. Needless to say all of the children probably had more custard on their faces that they managed to eat!

The balloon modeler was really good. Not only did he make some seriously cool things really quickly, but he was also a pretty good comedian (although I think some of the jokes were perhaps lost on the younger children).

A couple of the activities were free, but the rest had to be paid for with tickets. This seemed like a good idea as it meant that all the money was kept in a single place (i.e. at the ticket table) & the children could just be given tickets & then left to do whatever they wanted.

The raffle prizes were really good, with each class being given a topic that they had to bring prizes in for. So, for example, there was a Barbie basket that had loads of Barbie stuff in it (that Beth wanted to win, obviously). However, the really good thing about the raffle was that you put your ticket in an envelope under the prize that you wanted to win so that you couldn't win anything that you didn't want.

The emergency services were also there so that the children could look around a fire engine & ambulance, & there was also a dog (K-9) unit. The police also brought along a speed camera, but rather than just setting this up for people to look at, they put it to much better use. They set up a net in front of it so that you could bowl a softball at the camera to see how fast your pitching was - cool!