Thursday, October 04, 2007

Meramec Caverns

I wasn't able to stay off work for the entire time that Rose & Richard were visiting as I get less leave than in the UK & it has to be accrued, rather than being given your entire entitlement at the beginning of the vacation year.

On their last day in the US, Rose wanted to go shopping, but Richard wanted to make the most of his holiday by seeing some more of the local sights other than the inside of a department store. Although The Meramec Caverns were well outside Cheryl's 'comfort zone' for driving, she took Rose & Richard to see the caves & take a boat ride on the River Meramec.

Cheryl didn't get lost when driving, Rose & Richard really liked the natural beauty of the caves & the history associated with them, & Rose got to spend a couple of hours in Walmart whilst Beth was at her swimming practice, so everyone was happy!