Friday, May 22, 2009

Piasa Park, Alton, IL

We had a very wet, cool spring this year. This usually means that the fall colours are a lot more intense. Our neighbours suggested driving to Graffton, Illinois, along the Great River Road as this is tree-lined on one side & borders the Mississippi river on the other, so you have an unobstructed view of the trees. Rather than crossing the Mississippi at Alton, we crossed at St Louis & drove north through Illinois. Just north of Alton there is a small park with Limestone Bluffs called Piasa Park, due to the mural of the legendary Piasa Bird.
The Piasa Bird is an Alton legend which started in 1673 when Father Jacques Marquette (who was travelling down the Mississippi River with Louis Joliet), described the Piasa Bird as a 'birdlike monster' painted high on the bluffs adjacent to the Mississippi River where the City of Alton is located. Farther Jacques' journal described the painting as showing this bird that "was as large as a calf with horns like a deer, red eyes, a beard like a tiger's, a face like a man, a body covered with green, red, & black scales, & a tail so long it passed around the body, over the head & between the legs." The creature was named by native Piasa (bird that devours men) by American (Illini) Indians.
The legend of the bird was written on a stone tablet in the park & is basically as follows: Many moons ago, there existed a birdlike creature of such great size, he could easily carry off a full grown deer in his talons. His taste, however, was for human flesh. Hundreds of warriors attempted to destroy the Piasa, but failed. Whole villages were destroyed & fear spread throughout the Illini tribe. Ouatoga, a chief whose fame extended even beyond the Great Lakes, separated himself from his tribe, fasted in solitude for the space of a whole moon, & prayed to the Great Spirit to protect his people from the Piasa. On the last night of his fast, the Great Spirit appeared to Ouatoga in a dream & directed him to select 20 warriors, arm them each with a bow & poisoned arrow, & conceal them in a designated spot. Another warrior was to stand in an open view, as a victim for the Piasa. When the chief awoke in the morning, he told the tribe of his dream. The warriors were quickly selected & placed in ambush. Ouatoga offered himself as the victim. Placing himself in open view, he soon saw the Piasa perched on the bluff eyeing his prey. Ouatoga began to chant the death song of a warrior. The Piasa took to the air & swooped down upon the chief. The Piasa had just reached his victim when every bow was sprung & every arrow sent sailing into the body of the beast. The Piasa uttered a fearful scream that echoed down the river, & died. Ouatoga was safe, & the tribe saved.