Saturday, May 23, 2009

Delmar Gardens Halloween

Delmar Gardens is a 'chain' of senior living establishments (i.e. residential 'care homes' for the elderly). These can range from shared, almost hospital style, rooms in huge complexes with 24/7 care & nursing staff to assisted living complexes with individual apartments that have a high-class hotel feel to them. Irrespective of the type of accommodation, many events are put on during the year that benefit the residents & give the local community the opportunity to get involved. We went along to the Halloween festival & met up (unintentionally) with one of Beth's friends, Jessica. There were plenty of Halloween activities & both girls entered the costume competition. We thought that Beth was going to win after Cheryl heard one of the judges choosing Beth as the winner, but one of the other judges was adamant that their chosen winner was better & started arguing until all the other judges agreed with her. It was a shame that Beth didn't win, as in my opinion (& yes I am biased) the winning outfit was just someone wearing a leather jacket & hat, whereas Beth's outfit was homemade (even though most people thought that it was shop bought, so kudos to Cheryl for her needlework skills) & fully co-ordinated. Maybe Beth will win next year?