Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ringling Brothers & Barnum & Bailey Circus

The Ringling Brothers & Barnum & Bailey circus usually makes a stop in St Louis at the Scottrade Centre in the The Fall. I was lucky enough to get tickets for the company box so Cheryl, Beth, myself, & one of Beth's friends, Jessica, were able to watch this years circus (the 137th), titled Bellobration with a great view. This year, the theme of the circus was based on a story about Bello who is a clown-daredevil (with tall, orange hair) who is, apparently, one of the most popular & recognizable personalities in the history of Ringling Brothers & Barnum & Bailey Circus. In addition to the stunts performed by Bello, such as skipping on top of the spinning Wheel of Steel or balancing on top of a 7-story high sway pole, there were a number of other acts including; 'Tabayara', who's act uses 12 Royal Bengal & white Tigers, the Palazovi teeterboard troupe (who perfored a five person tower), the Aguilar brothers who's act included running, dancing, & skipping simultaneously on parallel high wire cables, & Brian & Tina Miser who were Human cannon balls (both shot out of the same cannon at the same time). The circus acts normally took place in three fixed circus rings, but this year the rings were diamond shaped (with embedded LED lights) & constantly changed shape between acts.